In the early 1980s, acclaimed photographer Tony Hutchings took a sabbatical from his successful Covent Garden photographic studio to embark on a transformative journey across Peru in a secondhand VW Beetle. Over six months, he captured the rich landscapes and diverse cultures of the country using his Hasselblad camera and Ektachrome film. 
Recently revisiting these images, Tony sought my expertise in designing and laying out a book to showcase his remarkable journey.
After reviewing the images, we decided that a compact 200mm x 200mm format would be ideal. This would be combined with a clean and minimalist layout prioritising the images and ensuring ample white space to enhance visual clarity. Peru 1982 exemplifies the powerful combination of photography and narrative in book design. By choosing a format that complements Tony Hutchings's stunning images and integrating thoughtful captions, we created a compelling visual narrative that brings his extraordinary journey to life. 
This project not only showcases the beauty of Peru but also highlights the importance of context in visual storytelling.
Client: Tony Hutchings; Photographer: Tony Hutchings; Copy Editor: Melanie May; Printer: Gomer Press.
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